The Immortals

Who wants to live forever?

Most of these folks do. Some are Highlander Characters, some made to Highlander Universe specs, all are really, really good with a sword.


He's here to help help find Jenny and a man that is good with a sword is always needed to help fight off the Sabbat vampires roaming New Salem. He remembers helping in the last WAR and feels he owes a debt to Nick and Detective Schanke.  He finds himself helping out Section One to retrieve Michael's Son Adam. Seems to be spending *a lot* of time in the shower with Sukh.





is the oldest Immortal. One of the Four Horsemen. He also has managed to infiltrate the Watcher under the guise of his own watcher,Adam. Went to rescue Hanna in Venice from the Inner Circle. Methos was watching over Spike in the Tara suite, until Dru tricked him.



 Thanks to Kay's spell book ended up in the Elysian Fields' bar, and caused a considerable amount of damage there. He is another Scottish Immortal, who considers his main job in life to irritate Duncan MacLeod after an embarrassing incident at MacDonald's tavern in Edinburgh. However, he and Duncan bury the hatchet (not in each other) to help save Micah.



 Once Pharaoh of Egypt, Son of Ramses II, he is an immortal, a foundling of the royal nursery and the brother of Angelique. Last WAR, August gave Micah over to Horton, for some twisted games, insane watcher style. Micah was sprung by the Anti-August brigade, and hunted down vampire Horton and hacked him into little pieces. Now, he follows his sister and the rest of the Anti-August brigade to help find Jenny. Unfortunately, August has unleashed Divia, and the girl is a bit steamed about Angelique and her dear old dad. Divia kidnaps Micah and uses him in a rather Oedipal manner.


Gunther Hardraade

Is an immortal who died his first death in 1357. A former Viking warrior, he perished defending his people from the Inuits of southern Greenland. For nearly a century, he has been Bourbon's close friend.

The Good